We offer taxation services through Channel Taxation which is a division of Tax Agent Pathway Pty Ltd.
We prepare tax returns for individuals, partnerships, companies, trusts & SMSF etc.
Basic tax returns start from $135 and we offer fee from refund services.
How to lodge your tax return with us:
Contact us to book an appointment to prepare the tax return by phone/email or we may be able to visit you if you are located in the Channel/Kingston/Cygnet areas.
We will email you a New Client Form to fill out (if needed), and a checklist to help maximise your deductions.
If you own an investment property we will also provide a rental statement summary to list your income and expenses.​Bring these with you to the appointment.
Individual returns will be prepared with you - (allow 20 - 45 minutes). More complicated returns or company ITR's will take longer, so we are happy for your to meet up for a chat, then leave everything with us. Once it is ready for signing, we will email the return to you with an accompanying invoice. Please sign and return to us with payment prior to lodgement.
Please send us a message if you would like us to contact you to arrange an appointment or have a quick chat. Or if you are ready for us to start preparing your tax return and live in the Channel/ Kingston/ Cygnet areas please book now!
If this is your first time with Channel Taxation, please bring the New Client Form (just one for a couple) and remember to bring your Tax File Number and a copy of your last year’s tax return with you to your appointment.
For all clients completing a tax return with us, please fill out the checklist (one for each person) and bring it to your appointment. We will look through the checklist together.
Please also bring Photographic ID - eg Drivers Licence to verify your identity.
Bring other paperwork to support the following income and deductions if applicable:
Lump Sum and Termination Payment Summaries
Government Payments i.e. Pensions, Newstart etc
Superannuation Pensions or Lump Sums (if under 60)
Interest Income (from banks etc)
Dividend Statements & Annual Statements from Managed Funds
Other Income
Rental Properties
Foreign Income
Capital Gains
Employee Share Schemes
Work Related Expenses:
Motor Vehicle
Self Education & Professional Development
Union, Membership, Subscription and Registration Fees
Tools and equipment
Home Office
Telephone and data
Any other costs incurred earning income
Income Protection Insurance
Other Items
Spouse details including taxable Income
Private Health Insurance Tax Statements

To claim deductions for work expenses, there are three golden rules you need to meet:
You must have spent the money yourself and weren’t reimbursed
The expenses must directly relate to earning your income
You must have a record to prove it (usually a receipt)
The following link is super useful and will help you to work out if it’s a legitimate claim, it’s important to remember that just because your gardener neighbor can claim their awesome sunnies in their tax return that it doesn’t mean that you can claim them to use while punching numbers into that pesky spreadsheet, claims are relevant to the tasks that you are performing. CLICK HERE for a more details from the ATO.
*Disclaimer - We have an obligation as Registered Tax Agents to confirm the identity of all of our clients. This may involve us asking to cite a photographic identification on your arrival for your appointment. Copies of these documents provided to us will not be kept by our practice after the verification process is complete.